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What To Do During A Power Cut

Although power cuts are difficult to prepare for here are some precautionary measures to help you stay safe during a power outage.

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4 Ways You’re Losing Money by Not Using a Standby Generator

A power outage can have a detrimental effect on your business, and you could lose a lot more money than you think. If you don’t have a generator in place and there’s an outage in the area, here are some of the ways you could lose revenue.

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What Should You Do During a Power Outage at Work?

We all know that without electricity, business would likely come to a standstill. However, we often forget that we could experience an outage at any time. If you were to experience a power cut at work, what should you do?

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Dealing with an Unexpected Power Cut

In almost all cases, a power cut is an unexpected and unfortunate event that we are rarely fully prepared for. Whether it happens on an individual level or the whole neighbourhood finds itself with no electricity, you need to know what you have to do and take action fast.

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Imagine a Day Without Power

Most of us take electricity for granted. It’s a commodity we naturally assume will always be there. Flick a light switch and you can see where you are going, turn on the radio and you can listen to the latest best-selling tunes, without realising it, your home and you are totally dependent on electrical power sources.

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Follow These Three Steps if You Lose Power at Home

It’s a little bit unnerving when your home is suddenly plunged into darkness without warning. One minute you’re sat there watching your favourite television programme and the next you are wondering where you keep your flashlight.

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Imagine You Lost Power this Christmas

Heaven forbid you lose power over the yuletide period. Imagine how stressful it would be if the oven turned off as you were cooking the Christmas turkey or the telly went blank during the Queen’s speech.

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5 basic things to check during a power cut

It can be quite alarming if the power suddenly goes out at your home and the property is plunged into darkness. In most cases the power cut is a temporary blip and normal service is resumed within a short space of time.

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5 Things to Check During a Power Cut

It can be quite alarming if the power suddenly goes out at your home and the property is plunged into darkness. In most cases the power cut is a temporary blip and normal service is resumed within a short space of time.

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Power Outage Survival Kit (Infographic)

Take a look at our Power Outage Survival Kit- these essential items could help the duration of any power outage more bearable.

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The Biggest Blackouts in History

We’ve seen a fair few power outages in our time, but what were the four biggest blackouts in history?

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Living Through the 1970’s Blackouts

Are you old enough to remember Britain during the glam rock years? If so you’ll remember kids coming home from school in the dark - and we mean dark - during the winter because the street lighting was off.

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Items You Need in a Power Cut

We’ve covered a few blogs on power outages and thought it was worth mentioning a few survival tools that’ll keep you going if you lose your electrical supply. Hopefully the power will be back on before you know it but just in case it isn’t here’s a list of thing that you might find useful.

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How to Cope in a Blackout

There could come a time at some point in your life when your home has a power cut and you’ll wonder what to do. Your mains power might go down for instance and you’ll be plunged into darkness with no idea of when the power will be restored. If this happens you need to be prepared and have a plan in place.

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6 Things to Keep You Entertained in a Power Outage

Power outages are never fun. You’re plunged into the pitch black. No TV. No communication. Just depths and depths of deep black. Well fear not! Here we’re going to give you some ideas to keep yourself and others around you entertained until things are up and running again.

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